One possible way is that your module is missing from the codebase or has been improperly uninstalled and you’ve still a field which is using that missing module.
Try the following drush commands to remove the broken field:
drush sqlq "DELETE FROM cache_config"
drush sqlq "DELETE FROM config WHERE name = 'field.storage.xxx.xxx' OR data LIKE '%field.storage.xxx.xxx%'"
drush sqlq "DELETE FROM config_snapshot WHERE name = 'field.storage.xxx.xxx' OR data LIKE '%field.storage.xxx.xxx%'"
Warning: Don’t execute above commands on master/live database. Make a backup before doing any database changes.
Where field.storage.xxx.xxx is your reported field storage type (e.g. field.storage.node.webform).
If above won’t help, check any other references by:
drush sql-dump --ordered-dump | grep field.storage.xxx.xxx
At the end you need to rebuild your caches:
drush cr