Hi dear reader. In previews article I had post How to connect DSI and CSI cable to tinker board with a some Frequently Asked Question. In this Article I had collected all available OS for single-board computer ASUS Tinker Board. Based on this computer i will to construct my robot with AI implementation and computer vision. Actually this the first reason why i had select Tinker Board that based on Rockchip RK3288 processor with 4x Cores “Cortex-A17” with frequency 1.8 GHz, support hardware decoding H.265 with resolution 4K х 2К and besides, new chipset get support network 4G LTE with 64-bit RAM LPDDR3. More information you can get on the official website of the motherboard.
Name | Version | Login/Password | Comments |
TinkerOS | v2.0.8 | linaro/linaro | New Version based on Debian 9, older version you can look on the official website. |
Android 7 Nougat | V14.2.2.73 | Offical contribution from ASUS website. | |
Armbian | Stretch & Bionic | root/1234 | Offical contribution Armbian OS for ASUS Tinker Board. |
DietPi | Stretch | root/dietpi | Older and Jessie version not support now. |
Volumio | 2.579 | Volumio Audiophile Music Player for ASUS Tinkerboard. |
+ Slideshare presentation
On this time that’s all. If I will find more I’ll update this list.
Have fun codding! ;)